Thursday, February 5, 2009

Straight from the Kitchen of Suzy Homemaker

These are vegan banana oatmeal cookies. AWFUL. I am not sure if I screwed up the recipe (which is VERY likely) or if the recipe was flawed, but these cookies were funky. Way too thick and dry. Yuck!

Christy + Baking = Nastiness


  1. Well, at least you gave it a try. :o)

  2. haha...the concept sounds yummy. where is the recipe from?

  3. those aren't looking so hot:) but good for you, for doing the healthy thing!

  4. Bummer! They look kinda good...?

  5. That's an extremely disturbing sight. I appreciate it too, cuz it helps put me off sugar!

  6. Well that's unfortunate.

    That's why I stick to those rolls of cookie dough from Pillsbury. Just cut and plop onto a sheet. Or better yet, those ones that are already cut for you and you literally just place them on a cookie sheet.

    Yup, that's me.

  7. It reminds me of something that the mom would have made in Better Off Dead. Remember that movie? "It has raisins in it - you like raisins."

    Seriously though - anything that healthy was doomed from the start. Next time stick with chocolate chip cookies.

  8. Oh boy-but I am sure they are damn good. We love to bake over here. We should do that with the kids one time. Would be a ton of fun.

  9. Oh dear ~ looks like something I would make ha ha !!

  10. I love baking, even when things don't quite turn put as they are meant too!
