Monday, August 4, 2008

Keeping up with the Joneses

We went shopping for a new sofa yesterday. I was overwhelmed by all of the colors, textures, and fabrics. My head was spinning from all of the choices. This is a major decision, that will affect the look of our home for many years. I wanted to make sure I picked the perfect couch.

After perusing the store approximately 4 million times, we finally settled on a lovely little sofa. The colors are bold, but I think we can pull it off...
We even splurged and decided to go with a sleeper sofa...


  1. HA! We have the SAME sofa! Seriously. I was just thinking about getting rid of ours since neither kid really uses it.
    We got it for Maggie when she was about 18 months and it is the BEST $30 bucks we ever spent. Maggie LOVED that thing. Will? Not so much.

  2. This made me laugh!

  3. HHH HAAAAAAA you are too funny! Save it for H will yha ...just kidding!

  4. Cute.

    There's no way we could bring that to our house. Gage would refuse to sleep in his bed forever. He'd probably ONLY sleep on the "sleeper sofa"!

  5. Oh that is just so sweet!!
    Perfect for those little afternoon naps!! XXXX

  6. christy, i do believe (judging by the looks of the second photo) that your perusing paid off... great choice:b

  7. This is too cute :) We need one for Mini Girl, she loves "melmo". I have to say, I love red, so this would actually go with my decor :)

  8. You totally need some Cookie Monster curtains to finish the look.

  9. Connor has one of those and loves it, it stays on his bed every night! And Taylor has those same shoes like Porgie. I actually just went and bought her a bigger size because I love them so much!

  10. You're so funny!!!!

  11. Dahling, that is faaaabulous! You must tell me who your decorator is!

  12. we have little kiddy sofas like that at school.. the kids just love 'em...

  13. what a beauty it is friend :)

    i am sure the joneses are in fact jealous!!

    come on, a sleeper are in big time!!

  14. Well, it'll definitely be easy to match paint and curtain colors! :) How cute.

  15. Did you get a matching recliner!?

  16. LOL! My son has the Spiderman one!

  17. we have a lovely little superman version. we also splurged for a sleeper. you and i are so fancy aren't we
