Monday, April 7, 2008

My newborn baby

I always refer to little Izzy as a newborn. He is so small and helpless. But I came to a shocking realization this weekend. My baby isn't a newborn.

On Friday night, Izzy started really bouncing in his jumperoo. He looked like a little frog, jumping back and forth. He was very proud of himself. He would jump a few times and smile happily. On Saturday, we went to Babies R' Us to purchase a few things. I seen lots of little babies - NEWBORN BABIES. They were tiny and sleepy and wrinkly. Izzy looked like a giant compared to those babies. On Sunday, Izzy figured out how to roll from his back to his belly.

Sunday night, I finally came to the realization that Izzy is no longer a newborn. Although I will not miss the newborn phase, I am still shocked at how quickly it passed. Izzy is a strapping 4 month old, who can coo and roll over and shove toys in his mouth and bounce in his jumperoo. Our baby is growing up so fast.


  1. He is getting so big! Well, he was always big. He is getting so grown-up!

  2. umm but that means that if little izzy wizzy isn't a newborn then wittly codi wodie isn't a newborn and i just dont want to hear that

  3. ...And the fun begins all over again, not only do you need eyes in the back of your head, you need them absolutley everywhere!
    My wee one loved the jumperoo too.

    Amanda x

  4. Uh I KNOW! Doesn't it go so crazy fast!?? They are not babies for very long : (

    I'm just going to have another one I've decided.

  5. I wish I could just reach through the screen and squeeze those lovely cheeks!

  6. Oh, you're just coming into the good stuff!!! 6-24 months. It doesn't get better than that. Savor it like a french pastry. You won't want to hurry through a SECOND of it!

  7. but it must be nice that he is getting bigger.. And to see all the new changes he will be going through!!

    He is such a cutie!!! Enjoy this time with him!!

  8. Doesn't it feel like they turn over night. Eliza has that Jumparoo- It is a favorite! Your LO is adorable.

  9. The days are long but the years are fast.
    Enjoy these days while you can.

  10. He is so adorable! And by the sounds of his weight he is definantly not a newborn!

  11. Christy-the picture is priceless. I love those chubby cheeks. I could eat him up and give him so many snuggles.

  12. I STILL keep looking at my kids and thinking... oh my! They're not babies. I think I'm getting old. I think it daily. :)

  13. It's amazing... even knowing how quickly they grow - it's still a surprise!

  14. What a cutie! I love every stage but I will always miss my newborn babies the most. What would the world be like without chubby baby cheeks. All the aunties would have nothing to kiss.

  15. Izzy is also extremely handsome. I want to smell his head, is that weird??!? PS - my newborns are 10 and 5 respectively. WAH!

  16. Yeah, my moments always came when they outgrew their pajamas overnight. Oy.

  17. He's just the cutest little thing!

  18. Ack. I feel the exact same way about my daughter. And I totally remember when we brought our one week old daughter to the well clinic and thought all the other 5 month old babies were huge!
